Now that I have your attention, let’s talk about how that just happened.
Hint: look in the mirror.
According to a recent STUDY by TubeBuddy and, the word “you” is more powerful than you think, and why shouldn’t it be?! After all, when you hear it or see it, automatically you feel like someone is interested in you and your needs, and after the basics like food, clothes, and shelter, isn’t that what we are all really looking for. The cool job, great clothes, and awesome house can all amount to very little if you don’t feel like they are there in service to your needs and development. Does this make sense?
Well, after extensive research that was conducted studying over 30,000 videos posted on YouTube between April 1st and December 1, 2016, “we’ve found that saying the word YOU just once in the first 5 seconds of a YouTube video can increase overall views by 66%. And views can increase by 97% – essentially doubling the viewcount – if YOU is said twice in the first 5 seconds.” Yes, saying “you” leads to engagement.
Though the power of this tactic is a well documented phenomenon in advertising, this study suggests it is also useful for online content as well. After all, if you are looking to engage an audience then you need to address the audience…repeatedly.
I would argue that it is good for all forms of communication, from talking to your children to pitching a new client, everyone wants to be talked to and not at. What is interesting is how this tactic can be used in entertainment as well. And this brings me to some really successful films and television that do this with great success. Can you think of any?
How about House of Cards, Ferris Beuller’s Day Off, Wolf of Wall Street, and Deadpool.
They all break the fourth wall and bring you into their narrative, as if you are a part of their story and the whole reason they made this entertaining piece of fiction in the first place. Can you think of some other examples in media and the arts where this tactic was used to great effect? Please comment below, we’d love to hear your thoughts!
If interested in reading more details, “you” can view the entire study HERE
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