Witch Hunter is an internet promo video that was created in 2013 for Paramount Pictures in conjunction with the release of their feature film, Hansel and Gretel. It was shot in Germany and featured Jorg Sprave, a local celebrity who was known for his elaborate contraptions that “weaponized rubber”.
As the Producer and Co-Director, I was responsible for various tasks from pre-production through production, including:
- Liaison with studio client about the creative, production, and financing
- Estimating cost and time (budget and schedule)
- Managing production finances
- Evaluating, selecting, and negotiating with German vendors
- Sourcing, negotiating the procurement of equipment and services in Germany and Los Angeles
- Hiring LA based key production team
- Researching, interviewing, and hiring local German crew members
- Organizing international travel, accommodations, and transportation for the production LA team
- Manage shoot in Germany
- Direct crew and talent on location
- Oversee the securing of media assets for international travel